
A Google vai introduzir um sistema de partilha de biclas em Nova iorque!! Notícia retirada do The Bike-sharing Blog by (Paul DeMaio)

"The New York Times has reported today that Google has stepped into the bike-sharing arena as the provider of its 74,300-bike beta service in New York City. This program is more than two times larger than the nearest fleet size in the world. Following the naming lead of other popular programs such as Vélib’ and Velo’v in France, Google has named their program “Veloogle". "

As estações serão "powered" por óleo usado de restaurantes, para aceder à bicla basta ter uma conta de Gmail e dar o número do cartão de crédito. As biclas vão ter publicidade digital e vão estar equipadas com um sistema de localização remoto baseado no google maps.

Brutal não?

1 de abril *sigh*

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